
Gauteng Online Admissions Readiness 2020

Online Applications opened this morning forrade 1 and Grade 8 for the 2020 Academic Year. Applications will close on 22 July 2019.

Following the postponement of the opening of the Online Admissions Applications from 13 May 2019 to 20 May 2019, as requested by SGB Associations and interested parties, the Gauteng Department of Education made a concerted effort to address and resolve concerns raised.

It must be noted that the Online Admissions Application System has always been aligned to the Amended Admissions and Feeder Zone Regulations as published. However, in the true spirit of inclusivity, consultation and good cooperative governance, a meeting was convened with FEDSAS where the functionality of the System was demonstrated, where open and transparent engagement transpired.

Further, the Department took a decision to avail the System for testing by stakeholders and interested parties to allay fears.

It is important for Parents to note the following points:

Admissions is a 3-phase process, namely:

Phase 1: Registration and Application, commencing on 20 May 2019 at 8:00 and ending on 22 July 2019 at midnight. During this Phase, parents can apply to a maximum of 5 schools using any of the 5 application options outlined in the Amendments to the Admissions Regulations. After making an application, parents must submit required documents to the schools applied to within 7 school days. Parents must sign the submission register at the school and request a receipt acknowledging submission of documents. This will serve as important evidence to follow-up on placement.

Phase 2: Placement of learners, commencing on 31 August 2019 and ending on 30 September 2019

Parents will receive offers of placement from schools based on Admissions Criteria and availability of space and resources. Offers must be accepted with 7 working days. Failure to accept offers will result in the Department placing the learners in schools within the feeder zones that cover the parent’s home address.

Phase 3: Admission to a school

Admission to a school will only occur after the offer of placement is accepted and confirmed. Once offers are accepted and confirmed, schools will provide further communication.

Feeder Zone is an area from which a school accepts its core intake. This is defined by a feeder zone map of a school.

Based on the Admissions Criteria in the Amended Admissions Regulations Application Options are ranked in the following order of priority:

1. Home Address application option allows applicants to apply to schools within feeder zones that cover the parent’s home address. The learner will be placed at the school closest to the parent’s home address within the feeder zone. (Reference Number WA1)
2. Sibling application option allows applicants to apply to a school where the applicant learner’s sibling is currently in Grade 1 to Grade 6 or Grade 8 to Grade 11. The System allows for the sibling application as defined in the Amended Admissions Regulations to remove cultural bias, accommodate diversity and ensure a fair opportunity for all learners. (Reference Number WA2).
3. Work address application option allows the applicant to apply to schools with feeder zones that cover the parent’s work address. (Reference Number WA3)
4. School within 30-kilometre radius. Parents can apply to schools within 30 km radius of their home address. (Reference Number WA4)
5. School beyond 30-kilometre radius. Parents can apply to schools beyond 30 km radius of their home address. (Reference Number WB)
6. School of Focus Learning. Parents may apply to any School of Focus Learning offering a specialised curriculum of their choice. Placement is informed by the outcome of Admissions Test (Reference Number WA5)

The Department is satisfied that the following issues were clarified and agreed upon in the interest of strengthening the Admissions Online Application System:

 The System is providing a list of all schools and distances to the parents’ home address with feeder zone maps covering the home address
 Where the home address is not covered by a feeder zone of a school, for an example, when a parent applies for Grade 1 where the feeder zones provide secondary schools only, the System will provide a list of the 5 primary schools closest to the parent’s address
 The system is sensitive to primary and secondary school applications in line with the age of the applicant learner
 The system is sensitive to single gender schools based on the gender of the applicant learner
 The Department has availed to parents a Step-by-Step user guide and a detailed Video Tutorial to clarify admissions processes. The Video Tutorial is available on the Department’s Website, the Online Application Landing Page under Getting Started on the main Menu; and on Twitter. Parents are encouraged to continue to view the Video Tutorial to familiarise themselves with Admssions Processes and rules.

Parents will be assisted with applications at all Public Ordinary Schools, District Offices, Head Office and identified Community Centres and Public Libraries have prepared walk-in centres to assist parents with applications from 08:00 to 16:00 during school days. A list of walk-in centres with contact details and addresses is provided.

For queries, parents are advised to contact the Department at the following telephone or email address:

Call Centre on (011) 355 0000;
Toll free number 0800 000 789; or


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