The will of the people must be respected!

If the African National Congress (ANC) does not wake up from the slumber that it was in before the national elections last week, it will be too late for it to arise from the dead when the public buries it alive in a few years to come.

If the African National Congress (ANC) does not wake up from the slumber that it was in before the national elections last week, it will be too late for it to arise from the dead when the public buries it alive in a few years to come. The will of the people must now be respected! The will of the people must be respected as they have shown that they hold the key when it comes to the ruling party either holding on to power or seceding it with other upcoming political parties.

The people have indeed spoken!

To borrow President Cyril ‘Mc Buffalo’ Ramaphosa’s words, ‘the people have spoken so clearly and emphatically’. These elections were indeed without evasiveness they were the most complex, highly-contested and logistically demanding. The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) and Freedom (Vryheids) Front (VF) were clearly the biggest winners, going to openly show that there are no longer smaller parties in the country. The people have spoken and what they have always demanded is plain and simple: jobs and service delivery.

I hope Ramaphosa and his cronies will keep to their election promises. The people have voted for change, they have voted for a united South Africa, in which all may realise their potential. They’ve voted for a more equal society, free from poverty and hunger. Ramaphosa is spot-on when he recognises that South Africa has again shown the world that despite our differences and challenges we can still unite under a vision of a common destiny for our country as a democratic, free, just and equal society.

The people have spoken, let their will be respected!

Lerato wa ha Serero…


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