BE VIGILANT: Young man hijacked on R59 highway in the Vaal

'Be vigilant and be safe: Do not stop for anyone!,' says mother

Marin Schillings-vd Walt wrote on 25 January 2019

Last night at about 20:00 my son was pulled off by what seemed to be “flying squad cops” on the R59 just before the Block House stop on his way home to Vanderbijlpark.
They hijacked him at gunpoint and held him hostage for about four hours. They pressed a weapon against his head and made him speak to his wife and tell her everything was o.k.
They took his bank card and drove to an ATM and again at gunpoint made him give his pin number – all the way holding him at gunpoint. They stole his pickup and then took him into the velt and one of the robbers told one of the others to shoot him.
By the grace of God Thomas Michael Schillings was not shot. The robbers told him to lie still and then gave him his phone back. Then they left him there.

Many motorists in the Vaal often use the R59 highway. Be vigilant and be safe: Do not stop for anyone! Try and get to a safe public space.

All the glory to God for saving my precious son!

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