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Schoolgirl (11) dies in hospital after being treated for ear infection

Meisie (11) sterf in hospitaal na oorinfeksie


Jannie du Plessis

VANDERIJLPARK. – An eleven-year-old girl from Vanderbijlpark died in the Sebokeng Hospital this morning (January 17), after suffering from an ear infection.

Chantè Badenhorst (11), a learner of Vaalrivier Primary School, suffered from regular ear infections but on Friday, 11 January, the pain was more severe than usual, and she was taken to Sebokeng Hospital. At that stage she was already too weak to walk on her own.

According to information Vaalweekblad received, the sister on duty had already checked Chantè in because of her weakened condition. However, the doctor who examined her said she could go home after prescribing 1500mg of antibiotics a day. At home, her condition deteriorated, and she suffered from a severe headache. On Tuesday, 15 January, she was taken back to the Sebokeng Hospital.

Chantè apparently went into a coma and was put on a ventilator with the intention to transfer her to Baragwanath Hospital on Wednesday, 16 January. However, when doctors disconnected the ventilator she couldn’t breathe on her own. She was declared brain dead and the machines were switched off this morning, Thursday, January 17 at 00:30.

The exact cause of death will be determined by an autopsy.
Ster’s sincere condolences to Chantè’s family and friends.



Meisie (11) sterf in hospitaal na akute oorinfeksie

Jannie du Plessis
VANDERBIJLPARK. – ‘n Elfjarige meisie het vanoggend (17 Januarie) in die Sebokeng-hospitaal gesterf nadat sy vroeër die week vir oorontsteking opgeneem is. Haar toestand het egter vinnig versleg en sy is vanoggend oorlede.

Chantè Badenhorst (11), ‘n leerling van Laerskool Vaalrivier, het die afgelope tyd glo gereeld oorinfeksie gekry maar Vrydag 11 Januarie was die pyn onuithoudbaar en is sy na die Sebokeng-hospitaal geneem. Volgens inligting was sy te swak om self te loop.
Inligting wat Vaalweekblad intussen ontvang het, is dat die suster aan diens reeds vir Chantè ingeboek het as gevolg van haar verswakte toestand. Die dokter wat haar ondersoek het, het egter gesê sy kon huis toe gaan nadat hy 1500mg anti-biotika per dag voorgeskryf het. Sy het tuis rasend geword van pyn in haar kop en het teen Dinsdag 15 Januarie so verswak dat sy weer Sebokeng-hospitaal toe geneem is.

Chantè het vermoedelik in ‘n koma gegaan en is aan ‘n ventilator gekoppel. Sy sou gisteraand, Woensdag 16 Januarie, na die Baragwanath-hospitaal oorgeplaas word. Toe dokters egter die asemhalingsapparaat ontkoppel, kon sy nie self asemhaal nie. Sy is breindood verklaar en die masjiene is vanoggend, Donderdag 17 Januarie, om 00:30 afgeskakel.

‘n Outopsie sal gedoen word om die presiese oorsaak van haar dood te bepaal.
Ster/Vaalweekblad se opregte meegevoel aan Chantè se familie en vriende.


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