Child Welfare is helping children thrive

Youngsters empowered with new skills

VANDERBIJLPARK. – Child Welfare South Africa (Vanderbijlpark) currently has four final year social work students doing their internship at the office.
These students recently presented an enjoyable community work project by inviting 40 children currently in foster care, to join in a fun day. The children who were invited are currently high school learners. The day started off with an official opening where the office manager (Magda de Man) said a few word after which the a Capella group of North West University (Buya a Capella) sang a few songs.
Three motivational speakers used the opportunity to tell the children that challenging circumstances will always happen, but it is everyone’s own choice how to react on these. The basic message was: Through hard work and determination it is always possible to achieve our goals.
The four final year student social workers each made a presentation to empower the children with skills in order to put their new motivation to work. Priscilla Mokoena spend time educating the children on how to set goals and what to do in order to reach them. Lucia Madonsela helped the children deal with stress better. Charl Gertse helped the children understand that planning one’s time is essential in order to achieve your dreams. Tanja de Waal gave the children some new skills to study, in order to achieve better academic results.
This fun day ended with a mouth-watering lunch and children being motivated to strive to get out of their less fortunate circumstances.
The student social workers thank all the sponsors and donors who made this day possible.
Arranging projects such as these is timely and costly. Anyone in the community who would like to help these organisations present more such projects are welcome to contact the office on (016) 933 2022 and the friendly staff will provide you with more details of work done by this office.

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