
Bird Club’s upcoming outing

The Vaal Bird Club is planning an exciting outing for Saturday, 9 December to Deelfontein in the Vredefort Dome

The Vaal Bird Club is planning an exciting outing for Saturday, 9 December to Deelfontein in the Vredefort Dome, on the Free State side.

The cost is R50 per person. The last part of the road is fairly bad and the organisers say it is preferable to have a high clearance vehicle.

Bird enthusiasts will meet at the Sasol garage in Parys at 06:00. The Sasol Garage is on your left hand side on the R59 just after the robot crossing with the R53.

Contact Rina at deklerkr@telkomsa.net if you plan to come in order for the organisers to know how many are interested and whom they can expect to meet at the garage.

The group will drive to Deelfontein and leave their cars at the Bush Camp, where they will also have a picnic after their birding walk. Walking shoes are advisable. Bring your own picnic brunch/lunch for after the walk.

Directions to Deelfontein from Parys: (If you get lost or are too late to meet the group at the Sasol Garage):

In Parys, follow the signposts for Vredefort. About 3 km outside Parys, turn right to Schoemansdrif. After a further 3 km, turn left to Reitzburg. If you hit gravel, you have gone too far! There is a crossing after about 4 km, where you continue on straight on a gravel road. After a further 8 km, turn right to Reitzburg. Exactly 2 km further you will find the turnoff marked “Deelfontein, Gerhard Benade” on the right, after passing the turnoff “Deelfontein, Greeff Boerdery.”

Turn right, and drive through the gate. After 500 m, there is another gate. Follow the signage. The guest houses and mountain bike trailhead are on the left. The arts retreat, observatory, rondavel and workshop are 400 m further. For the bush camp, continue for 1 km until the road forks. Keep left. The campsite is 200 m further. Please close all gates!


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