IEC officials held hostage in VUT SRC elections

All hell broke loose during the Students Representative Council (SRC) elections at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) when IEC officials and some student representatives of different political parties were reportedly held hostage by unruly students believed to be from an opposing political party recently.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – All hell broke loose during the Students Representative Council (SRC) elections at the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) when IEC officials and some student representatives of different political parties were reportedly held hostage by unruly students believed to be from an opposing political party recently.

VUT students spoke when they voted that the Economic Freedom Fighters Student Command (EFFSC) lead them. Lemogang Medupe from the victorious party, EFF, a third-year Public Relations (PR) student from Rustenburg, attributed the mayhem to lack of political tolerance.

Medupe was elected president of the SRC. “It was very bad to see IEC officials and some of the students’ representatives held hostage. “The university election proceedings have been professionally conducted for all these years. I still don’t understand what the issue was all about.

“In this case the students have spoken. They want the EFF to lead them and it’s something that needs to be allowed. The reds have landed and there is nothing they can do about it,” Medupe said.

An IEC official anonymously confirmed Medupe’s account of events and said that they were held hostage over a weekend. He stated that they were held hostage and released by police in the early hours of the morning on a Monday.

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