
Killing of NWU student at Riverbend leaves others in fear

The management of NWU herewith acknowledges the Tragic passing of Dumisani who passed away off campus. He was Studying towards a BA degree with Law Subjects. The entire University community wishes to express its most sincere condolences to the family and friends. The campus is offering trauma counselling to friends and classmates of Dumisane and a concerted effort is being made to find alternative accommodation for the NWU students who shared a house with Dumisani.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – Various students from the North-West University (NWU) Vaal Campus, say they fear for their lives. This follows the brutal killing of Dumisane Brian Tshabalala (22), who was shot and killed recently at Riverbend near North West University (NWU) Vaal.

Tshabalala was a student at NWU Vaal studying towards a BA degree with law subjects.Students have alleged that the University has not taken security measures to ensure the safety of students living in private accommodation. Following the incident, about 20 to 30 students spent a few nights sleeping in the computer labs on campus as they were scared of going to their respective dwellings.

SRC President, Thokozani Hadebe said that there were various reasons why students chose to live at Riverbend.
“The first reason is that the university does not have sufficient accommodation to house all the students and the other reason is that the accommodation at Riverbend is affordable.”

Hadebe said, “Both the police and the landlords who have entered into legal contracts with the students have an important role to play in ensuring the safety of those students living in these accommodations.
“The police know about the crime at Riverbend and they should take additional measures to ensure the safety of students on those properties. The university also has an important role to play in ensuring that there is enough accommodation for students, which would mean that students will not have to live in private, non-accredited accommodations.”

Annette Willemse, Media Liaison officer for NWU Vaal says ” The management of NWU herewith acknowledges the Tragic passing of Dumisani who passed away off campus. He was Studying towards a BA degree with Law Subjects. The entire University community wishes to express its most sincere condolences to the family and friends. The campus is offering trauma counselling to friends and classmates of Dumisane and a concerted effort is being made to find alternative accommodation for the NWU students who shared a house with Dumisani.”

Willemse added that following Tshabalala’s death, a group of students stayed in a 24-hour study room overnight although the number went down in the nights that followed. “All students have vacated the lab. No students are sleeping in the 24-hour-study room.”

Speaking on the issue of accommodation, Willemse said that following a meeting that was called by the newly elected Student Campus Council, The NWU has approved funding for the development of another on-campus residence and construction will commence at the earliest. :A tender has been put out for an additional 600 beds – all tender applicants will be diligently scrutinised to make sure that the acommodation is safe and suitable.”

Willemese said that the police were however responsible for the combating and investigation of crime taking place on the public domain. “The university has no legal standing or jurisdiction as students have entered into agreements with landlords to live on these premises, but Protection Services will follow up on cases reported by students with valid SAPS case numbers.”

Vereeniging Police spokesperson Captain Fikile Funda has since confirmed that the police are investigating the murder of Dumisani Brian Tshabalala, saying that there was no sign of a robbery.

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