It’s Christmas in July!

A world of winter fun awaits you in Deneysville this weekend!

It’s countdown to the Vaal Dam’s ‘Christmas in July weekend’, in Deneysville, this Saturday and maybe we’ll be lucky enough to actually have snow, as was the case in 2012! (when this photo was taken).

What a gift that would be to add to the array of presents lined up at the Harcourt’s House, No. 2, Island Road.

For free is crooner Gert who will no doubt woe us with the warmth of his song, inside a snow-white, 100-man marque.

It’s all about lifestyle at Harcourts, something to suit all the senses! See the leisure maps and charts on offer to help you navigate through the village and on the wide-open water; books (old and new), travel, cookery, fiction and non, to fill in the gaps; an array of vinyl records returned from last century for collectors or the more audio orientated; bric-a-brac, home-made décor, hand-bags, accessories and clothes stalls for that feel-good appeal; a whiff of plants and veggies and, to stroke the sixth sense, mosaics, art, antiques and wind chimes… All of this accompanied by the typical taste of the country – our local burgers and wors-rolls plus game meat and dry wors, biltong and lots more to whet the appetite.

We’ll be surrounded by pubs and grills so once done extend your stay at Village Inn or Bulldogs.

So, take time out to stroll, shop and survey some of Deneysville’s gems, from 10am till 2pm. This while  networking the neighbourhood! Entrance is free but your compulsory ticket is Christmas theme, colour and song.

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