
Sedibeng Soccer Legends say NO to woman and child abuse

The soccer legends, most of whom are over the age of 50 years joined millions of South Africans to say “enough is enough” - this despicable carnage of women and children must stop immediately.

EVATON. – The South African Soccer Legends (SASL) Sedibeng region sponsored by Batho, Batsho, Bakopane (B3) took to the streets of Evaton to embark on a massive road show to pledge solidarity against the abuse, rape and killing of women and children in this country.

The soccer legends, most of whom are over the age of 50 years joined millions of South Africans to say “enough is enough” – this despicable carnage of women and children must stop immediately.
The legends marched to the Mafatsane Police Station to hand over a memorandum expressing those sentiments and pledging support to women and children who are murdered on a daily basis and also to show support to the police in dealing mercilessly with the perpetrators of such deeds.
The South African Legends (SASL) Sedibeng Chairman Simon ‘White Cat’ Mosuoe hailed the march as a success. He thanked the Sedibeng community for their support as they came in big numbers. “As the South African Soccer Legends Sedibeng region we want to thank everyone for making this march a success. I was overwhelmed by the response of the community,” he concluded.

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