Department disturbed by primary school rape incident

"It is alleged that four Grade 7 boys raped a Grade 2 learner at the boys’ toilets. The said learner did not report the matter immediately; however, she complained to her parents of having pains on her private parts, and was subsequently taken to the Doctor for the necessary examination. It was then confirmed that she had been penetrated."

GAUTENG. – The Gauteng Department of Education through it’s Acting Spokesperson Oupa Bodibe has expressed that it is deeply concerned and disturbed by the rape incident that took place in March 2017 at I R Griffiths Primary School in Randburg involving minors.

Bodibe says, “It is alleged that four Grade 7 boys raped a Grade 2 learner at the boys’ toilets. The said learner did not report the matter immediately; however, she complained to her parents of having pains on her private parts, and was subsequently taken to the Doctor for the necessary examination. It was then confirmed that she had been penetrated.

“The parents informed the school about the developments, which took place during school holidays. The school informed SGB Members. The alleged perpetrators were then taken through a disciplinary process on Thursday, 11 May 2017, which exonerated (2) two of the said (4) four boys. The recommendation was that the learners must be expelled from the school.”

The school is said to have submitted recommendations to be considered by the  the Head of Department.  The department has strongly  condemned  acts of sexual misconduct in schools and encourages learners  to never  listen to anybody who tells them not to tell, for fear of victimization.

“Learners must report such incidents to their parents, police or any other trusted figure of authority.We urge learners to abide by the school code of conduct at all times and refrain from acts of misconduct.

“The department has a zero-tolerance stance on allegations of sexual assault and has never hesitated to act where allegations of this nature have been proven to be true.
We also appeal to parents to assist the department to enforce discipline in and outside the school environment.” Bodibe concludes.

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