
#BlackMonday: Are you wearing black tomorrow?

Press release:


Fellow South Africans, the actions of the Executive over the past 48 hours have had an immense effect on all of us. We, as fellow participants in civil society, civil service, NGO’s, business, and the youth of South Africa, do not condone these actions.

We acknowledge that:

‐ The time has come for all of us to unite behind the values enshrined in our Constitution

‐ That there is a duty on all of us to uphold and protect these values by holding our government accountable to their Constitutional mandate

We wish to dispel the myth that these irrational actions have and will contribute to our economy.

As a sign of our discontentment, we invite all disapproving South Africans to stand together behind the #BlackMonday movement. This coming Monday (3rd April 2017) we will all wear black in solidarity and use the tag to further the cause.

We can no longer be passive. Let us start the change we wish to see in our beloved country, and save the legacy that Nelson Mandela, Ahmed Kathrada and liberation leaders fought for.


(#Blackmonday was created by ordinary concerned citizens of this nation. We wish to present a united voice for all South Africans to stand behind. We do not share any political affiliation.) 


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