Another clean audit for Midvaal

A clean audit refers to a financially unqualified audit opinion where the financial statements have no material findings or material misstatements. In addition, there are no material findings that relate to the audit of performance objectives and compliance with laws and regulations.

MEYERTON. –  Midvaal Local Municipality Executive Mayor  Bongani Baloyi, announced the third consecutive clean audit outcome recently.

A clean audit refers to a financially unqualified audit opinion where the financial statements have no material findings or material misstatements. In addition, there are no material findings that relate to the audit of performance objectives and compliance with laws and regulations.

Midvaal Local Municipality Executive Mayor, Councillor Bongani Baloyi, detailed how honest, practical, ethical, solution driven and transformative leadership can help channel Municipal performance forward. The Mayor further thanked his team who have collectively worked hard in achieving this mammoth task.

“I would attribute this performance to the collective focus and performance driven culture of Midvaal, demonstrating our commitment to good transparent and clean governance which ultimately results in the improvement of the material conditions of our people” said the Executive Mayor Baloyi.

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