
Residents want foreigners and sex workers out

Drugs, prostitution, robbery and crime in general were the cause of a massive protest that started Friday and ran through Saturday and last Sunday.

VEREENIGING. – Shop owners had to use partially opened businesses or operate through burglar bars in parts of Vanderbijlpark, Bophelong, Sharpeville and Vereeniging over the weekend.

This was the reaction to a widespread campaign against foreigners and sex workers. Drugs, prostitution, robbery  and crime in general were the cause of a massive protest that started Friday and ran through Saturday and last Sunday.

The whole saga flew out of control when some homes of foreign nationals and sex workers were burned and looted on Sunday night. The protesters proceeded with attempts to attack and loot shops. Some houses attacked and burned were in Senator Marks, George and Stanley Streets, Vereeniging.

Police tried to negotiate with protesters but efforts were to no avail. Community members complained that Police – especially local Police – did nothing to stop the drug dealers in the area. They alleged that some Police vans simply  collected bribe-money, especially from Nigerians.

”We have had enough,” they said to Police. The community wants to stage a protest march to the office of the station commander in Vereeniging to lay their serious complaints. The drug issue has been running for years, Police allegedly turning a blind eye.

”We know some of the police officers always collect money from the Nigerians.”

No one was arrested and no injuries were reported.

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