Vaaldam – 2 sluice gates opened

Lifting of water restrictions will be communicated to municipalities shortly, said Water & Sanitation Minister Nomvula Mokonyane at her media conference at the Vaal Dam this afternoon

Retha Fitchat

Thousands of people from the Northern Free State, the Vaal Triangle, Johannesburg and surrounding areas flocked to Deneysville today to witness the opening of the first two sluice gates at the Vaal Dam.

It was a privilege for us, members of the media, to stand with Minister Nomvula Mokonyane on the dam wall when she pressed the button to open two extra sluice gates (apart from the small one that is always open) – and to hear and see the water  rushing out. Really an awesome exsperience! 

Minister Mokonyane said the current status of the Integrated Vaal River System necessitates a consideration around the immediate lifting of water restrictions announced for Gauteng in November 2016. “This will be communicated to the municipalities and Gazetted accordingly,” she told the media.

The photos below were taken this afternoon (Sunday, 26 February 2017) shortly after Minister Mokonyane pressed the button on the dam wall to open the two sluice gates.

Photos: Retha Fitchat


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