Stay safe when Dineo hits South Africa

By this time most of us know Cyclone Dineo, now downgraded to ex-Dineo, is approaching South Africa after she made her landfall in Mozambique. Parts of Limpopo and Mpumalanga are due to experience rainfall from Thursday evening throughout the night and into Friday morning‚ with up to 100mm expected.

Here are some tips to stay safe:

1) Delay travelling if possible until a heavy storm has subsided. If caught while travelling, look for cover in places such as closed car parks or petrol stations;

 2) Pull over and switch on your car’s hazard lights if visibility is poor or the roads are too slippery;

3) Just 15cm of moving water can knock you off your feet, while 60cm deep can sweep a vehicle away. Generally, if the water is deeper than the bottom of your doors or the bottom third of your wheels, it is not advisable to drive through it;

4) Avoid crossing bridges or roads next to rivers during heavy rain, as flash flooding is a risk. If stuck on a flooded road, switch to the lowest possible gear and proceed slowly. Using your brakes suddenly may cause you to skid or aquaplane;

5) If you get trapped in your car during flooding, abandon it and climb to higher ground;

6) Trees are a hazard. Remove dead and rotting branches from trees at home to avoid the risk of them falling during extreme weather conditions. Don’t park under trees during a storm;

7) Make sure your outdoor furniture is safely stored or secured;

8) Unplug your appliances and devices before a storm, because the power surge of a lighting strike can easily overload them;

9) Invest in sandbags to place against doorways and low-level vents during flooding. Move high-value items to the highest floor in your home or a shelf;

10) Turn off gas and electricity if flooding occurs.

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