
24 Hour Solo Campaign for The Paige Project

Deneysville resident James Barson, father of Paige who lives with Cerebral Palsy, has successfully competed (and raised much needed funds) as the only SOLO entrant in the 24 hour Super bike race held at Red Star Raceway near Delmas on the 10th and 11th of December 2016. He intends doing more of these initiatives in the new year to raise funds for children who battles with Cerebral Palsy.

James Barson from Deneysville writes:

Not long after my daughter Paige had been diagnosed with level 5 Cerebral Palsy, we were inspired to create a charity, specifically for children with similar disabilities in disadvantaged circumstances. My brother David Barson has been the driving force behind THE PAIGE PROJECT from inception – go to for more details.

I have participated in all of our fundraisers over the years but decided it was time to create another, of my own. Early this year I approached Jason Wessels of MotoRentals for a bike to ride in the Red Star 24hr Endurance Race held on the 10th and 11th of December 2016. Having worked tirelessly, overcoming a few hurdles along the way, determination and perseverance paid off. Having followed a strict fitness training regime, with my daughter by my side, I felt cautiously confident that I had done enough to go the distance. (pic of training)

I started the race feeling amped and had to stop myself from going too fast. After getting into the rhythm and passing the 4 hour mark, my muscles started to seize up. My heart rate was good but the muscle pain was such that I just had to push through. It became a survival game, riding in the dark and the rain. Doing the night solo I struggled with the monotony and becoming mesmerised by the lights. The rules dictated that I had to stop between midnight and 06h00. A shower, massage and a bit of shut eye was in order. I felt the worst pain between 06h00 and 07h00, on day 2, my legs, arms and hands had totally seized up. Putting my knees on the tar was out of the question. Had a quick massage and got back into the groove after that. I managed my best lap time, on lap number 250, having maintained an average lap time of 2:20. In the end I finished on lap number 257 having travelled 1080km in 11.5 hours riding time. Throughout the race I felt that my participation had not caused any safety risks or hindrances to fellow riders. My pit team ran the tyre changes, re fuelling of bike and rider like pros. We got through the 24 hours without a glitch. Managed to get a 3rd place in the 600 class and walked away with a grin.

The pain I endured and mental strain was nothing compared to what many Cerebral Palsy Kids feel every day of their lives.

The focus is and will continue to be, raising awareness and funding through THE PAIGE PROJECT. My daughter Paige is one of the lucky kids, but there are thousands that aren’t. I am pleased that our endeavours, our donors and supporters have made it possible to raise R 65 000 at the RSR 24 hour Endurance Race. These funds will be used to purchase 17 much needed wheelchairs for the children at Little Eden along with other projects, details of which will be published on our website and The Paige Project Facebook Page.

It is my intention to ride again in 2017 for THE PAIGE PROJECT, so keep us in mind when doing CSI budgets. Thanks to everyone who supported me and my attempts to make a difference.

* About the writer: Deneysville resident James Barson, father of Paige who lives with Cerebral Palsy, has successfully competed (and raised much needed funds) as the only SOLO entrant in the 24 hour Super bike race held at Red Star Raceway near Delmas on the 10th and 11th of December 2016. He intends doing more of these initiatives in the new year to raise funds for children who suffer with Cerebral Palsy.

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Retha Fitchat

Retha Fitchat is an experienced part time journalist for Vaalweekblad. WhatsApp: 083 246 0523

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