
May 2017 bring positive change and leadership

New Year's message by Mmusi Maimane, MP - Leader of the Democratic Alliance.

Mmusi Maimane, MP – Leader of the Democratic Alliance, writes:

On behalf of the Democratic Alliance (DA), I would like to wish South Africans at home and abroad a 2017 that comes with positive change that contributes to personal and societal advancement.
May the New Year bring with it a commitment to working towards building a growing an inclusive economy that guarantees job creation for the 9-million jobless South Africans and those who join the ranks of jobseekers following the release of Matric and Higher Education results. In this regard, we call upon students and Higher Education Institutions to work together in order to ensure a peaceful registration period at the country’s campuses.
The year 2016 was a challenging year for us all making it vital for us all to reflect on it so that we do not repeat the same mistakes while working to find better solutions to our problems as a country. The New Year, 2017, presents us with an opportunity to start afresh by recommitting to economic advancement, the Rule of Law, accountability, constitutionalism and Ubuntu.
May 2017 be the year we continue with the project of Reconciliation and building a country that is united in its diversity. The past year saw too many instances of racial discrimination and negative mobilization.
In order to build a better country, the people of South Africa deserve the kind of leadership that serve with humility, integrity and with a view that says the people come first and the Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic.
Furthermore, I call upon South Africans to celebrate the New Year by abiding by the rules of the road and to celebrate responsibly
May 2017 bring with it the positive changes that will ensure that we build a better South Africa for all.

Mmusi Maimane
Mmusi Maimane

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