Kidnapping – SAPS still looking for suspects

Police are still looking for two suspects who allegedly tried to kidnap a ten year old girl from Vanderbijlpark on Tuesday (20-12-2016).

Retha Fitchat

Sgt. Gertrude Makhale, Communication Officer of the SAPS in Vanderbijlpark, confirms that a case of attempted kidnapping is being investigated. The Police investigates the matter in collaboration with social workers, who also assist and support the young girl and her family after her traumatic ordeal.

The girl was allegedly kidnapped on Tuesday while playing next to a restaurant in Ericsson Street during a family outing.  After an intensive search by Police and various community watches she was found a few hours later in Alberti Street, close to Vanderbijlpark’s cemetry, by Mr Willie Muller of the SE6 Neighbourhood Watch.

Both suspects, who apparently managed to flee the scene, were dressed in black pants and wearing a red shirt and green shirt respectively. Anyone with more information can contact their nearest police station.

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