
No rest yet for this Rust-ter-Vaal athlete!

In the run-up to the championships, Jason Bouwers won six gold and two silver medals at the District trials.


Retha Fitchat

VEREENIGING. – Jason Bouwers, a grade 7 learner at Rust-ter-Vaal Primary School, has shown great talent in long distance and cross country running since 2015 and is again impressing the sport fraternity with excellent performances this year.
Last year he represented Gauteng Province in the u/12 division at the Interprovincial Cross Country Championships that took place in Port Elizabeth. He placed 14th nationally.
This year he again represented Gauteng Province at the National Championships, this time in the u/13 division, held at Witrivier in Mpumalanga. He achieved 10th place, even though he fell during the race. The Gauteng team won Gold. In the run-up to the championships, Jason won six gold and two silver medals at the District trials. At the Gauteng trials he won bronze. He is ably coached by Mr TJ Mohlokoane, an educator from the school.

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