
2016 Parliament discussions about commercial Sex Workers closed to the media

Gauteng Provincial Legislature decides to lock the media out of discussions about sex workers

Retha Fitchat

The Gauteng Provincial Legislature (GPL) has just informed Ster and Vaalweekblad that, due to the “sensitiveness” of topics to be debated at the 2016 Sector Parliament for Commercial Sex Workers, the GPL has been urged to keep the session closed to the media.

The GPL has acceded to this request made by those representing the Commercial Sex Workers’ sector in the society and a decision has been taken that the Sector Parliament will no longer be open to members of the media.

This decision, says a spokesperson of the GPL, is in line with Section 118 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa which makes provision for the GPL to restrict public access, including the media from a Sitting of a Committee if it is reasonable and justifiable to do so in an open and democratic society.

Ster hopes these discussions will not be kept “under the sheets” for too long and that we can bring our readers news about the topic as soon as possible.

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