
VUT student hospitalised #FeesMustFall

VANDERBIJLPARK.- A student of the Vaal University of Technology (VUT) was hospitalised after he was injured during the ongoing #Feesmustfall protest.

According captain Fikile Funda, spokesperson of the Vereeniging SAPS the student was running away from police when he fell and injured himself on Wednesday. He is in hospital under official police guard.

16 Students are in police custody and due to appear in court today for public violence after the contempt a court order that stated that no protests are allowed on the campus.

Yesterday protesting students used mirrors to blind police while they threw stones at them. Funda says the police used rubber bullets and stun grenades to disperse the crowd.

Earlier this week protesters also burned mattresses and a fridge as well as the residences’ administration building.

Anyone with information of pictures please send it to

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