
Driver survives Houtkop crash

SEBOKENG.- A female driver in a silver-grey VW Polo that displayed a learner-driver caution sign was rushed to hospital after she was involved in an accident on Tuesday morning.

She was apparently on her way to work. The driver survived what would have been a terrible death as her car crashed into a building and a street vendor on Houtkoplaan.

She was just at the entrance of the Sebokeng South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) offices when the accident occurred. Apparently she accelerated instead of hitting the brakes at a stop sign.

The car went straight into a street vendor on the roadside and overturned.  The street vendor was injured but the driver’s injuries turned out to be minor. Emergency personnel and an ambulance responded quickly to the scene and stabilised the two injured. Learner diver

They were then rushed to hospital for further examination. The car was left upside-down as motorists and passers-by were left wondering what transpired. The driver’s colleagues came to the scene to help, but refused to talk to <i>Sedibeng Ster.

“I can only say we thank God she is fine and that no-one was killed.“All glory and power to the Almighty – nothing else,” said a bystander

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