
Gay (19) killed and dumped in rubbish bin

The gruesome incident was discovered by a police officer who was driving by in Smuts Avenue at around 7:30. The officer was driving past the house when he was flagged down by a passerby and told about a loud noise coming from a room in one of the houses nearby.

VEREENIGING. – An enraged 20-year-old man apparently raped and killed his gay victim (19) before dumping him in a rubbish bin in Vereeniging on Saturday morning.

The gruesome incident was discovered by a police officer who was driving by in Smuts Avenue at around 7:30. The officer was driving past the house when he was flagged down by a passerby and told about a loud noise coming from a room in one of the houses nearby.

Upon knocking on the room’s door, the officer was greeted by the suspect, whose clothes were bloody. The floor was also covered in blood. Police spokesperson Constable Puleng Nkitsing says that every time the officer questioned the suspect, he would look behind the door, making the police officer suspicious.

“When the door was finally opened the discovery of the dead victim in a green rubbish bin was made by the officer. He victim was half-naked and had multiple stab wounds,” Nkitsing says.

Although not confirmed at this stage, the victim was apparently also raped. It is said that he was a prostitute in the area and that the suspect had been his ‘customer’ on the day and upon the discovery that the victim was not a ‘she’ the suspect wanted his money which he had already paid, back.

The victim apparently refused, a struggle ensued and he was killed. The suspect, who had no injuries, was arrested.

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