
Sheriff repossesses ELM vehicles

To avoid more public embarrassment, municipal drivers allegedly hid some of the vehicles. The repossession that happened in full view of the workers, took place last Wednesday. Meanwhile it is said that more than a hundred ELM retired workers have up to date not received their provident fund. Others were reported to have died without having enjoyed their benefits.

VANDERBIJLPARK. – It has been alleged that the service delivery was highly affected after the sheriff of the court repossessed vehicles at the Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) recently.

To avoid more public embarrassment, municipal drivers allegedly hid some of the vehicles. The repossession that happened in full view of the workers, took place last Wednesday. Meanwhile it is said that more than a hundred ELM retired workers have up to date not received their provident fund. Others were reported to have died without having enjoyed their benefits.
Approached for comment, ELM’s Stanley Gaba, head of Communications, Marketing and Branding confirmed that 31 municipal vehicles were withdrawn by the Sheriff of the Court on August 10.
He adds that the confiscation is as a result of a legal dispute between the Municipality and the SALA Pension Fund.
“The dispute arose out of a claim for under payments to the fund during transfer of employees between the municipality and the former Lekoa City Council.” The High Court ruled in favour of the Pension Fund.
The municipality made payments of R15 million in full settlement of the Court Order on August 12. The vehicles had not been returned at the time of going to print despite the R15-million payout to the local government pension fund last week.
The point of dispute is now apparently the settlement of outstanding legal fees of the pension fund as well as fees due to the sheriff, said to be an additional R165 000 over and above the R15 million already paid by ELM.

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