
Take Charge Campaign’ by MEC Mahlangu

SEBOKENG. - Gauteng Department of Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu on behalf of Premier David Makhura has urged residents of Sebokeng not look away when acts of crime happen in their areas.

SEBOKENG. – Gauteng Department of Health MEC Qedani Mahlangu on behalf of Premier David Makhura has urged residents of Sebokeng not look away when acts of crime happen in their areas. Mahlangu spoke boldly to the masses in a very intensive and hotly debated event at the Zone 7 Stadium recently. The stadium was packed to capacity and all delegates honoured the invitation of the Gauteng Department of Community Safety under the leadership of MEC Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane.
“We are here as the provincial government to commit ourselves to playing a role to make sure crime becomes history in South Africa. Turning a blind eye and saying ‘It doesn’t affect me’ is very wrong. Crime affects everyone, rich or poor.” The MEC further called on communities to declare war on corruption and bribery, and make this province safe. Community Safety MMC Veli Mcera urged the communities to refrain from buying stolen goods because people who do so are not different from those who steal: “Drive out criminals in our communities. Crime stops with you.” Reverend Gift Moerane, for faith-based organisations, said it was time people reclaimed the streets from criminals. “Stop buying back-door stuff or stolen goods as people die when criminal acts take place.” Amongst those in support of the campaign were Safa CEO Dennis Mumble, Izinduna, labour, traditional leaders, arts and recreation and others, community policing forums (CPF’s). All collectively stated that crime should be everyone’s business.

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