
Municipal officials heads to roll?

VEREENIGING. - Following the election of the new Regional Executive Committee (REC) in April, reshuffling plans in both the Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) and Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) are said to be looming.

The current executive mayor of Emfuleni Local Municipality Gretha Hlongwane is said to be on her way out.
The current executive mayor of Emfuleni Local Municipality Gretha Hlongwane is said to be on her way out.

VEREENIGING. – Following the election of the new Regional Executive Committee (REC) in April, reshuffling plans in both the Sedibeng District Municipality (SDM) and Emfuleni Local Municipality (ELM) are said to be looming. The most influential position amongst those mentioned is that of ELM Mayor Gretha Hlongwane who, it is said, will be deployed to a MMC’s (Member of Mayoral Committee) position in Sedibeng District Municipality and be replaced by SDM MMC for Strategic Planning and Economic Development, Maipato Tsokolibane.

Reliable sources inform Sedibeng Ster that at a date still to be confirmed, the regional executive committee will appoint Umkhonto we Sizwe Military Veterans’ Association (MKMVA) Sedibeng Provincial Chairperson and South African National Military Veteran Association (SANMVA)Regional Chairperson, Daddy Thinane as one of the MMC’s in ELM. He is said to be going to replace current MMC of Public Safety, Velly Mcera. Sources also inform Sedibeng Ster that other positions to be affected include that of ELM speaker Msebenzi Gqelosha who will be replaced by current ANC Sedibeng Deputy Chairperson Robert Thema.

The ELM MMC for infrastructure VM Godoli will apparently be reshuffled with ELM MMC for sports arts and culture, councillor Shaka Radebe. ELM MMC for finance Mabandla Ronyuza will exchange positions with MMC for health and social development Sello Pitso. Apparently some of the MMC’s will bow out without a tussle. Approached for comment, Thinane who is the member of the ANC REC pleaded ignorance. He said that he had heard of the reshuffling ‘rumours’ on the streets. “No one has informed me of this from the ANC side.” Thinane said he is a disciplined and loyal cadre of the party: “I am under the command of the ANC. If my leadership decides otherwise, I cannot decline,” he said. When Sedibeng Ster contacted ELM speaker, Gqelosha, he also denied having any knowledge regarding the reshuffling. Themba Ndaba who is the regional spokesperson of the ANC said that together with the ANC provincial office they are engaged in an assessment process and that the outcome of the internal process will determine whether to make changes or not. Ndaba said the ANC works on the procedures.

“I am not aware of the reshuffling but everything will be determined by the outcome of the current process that is underway. Before taking any regional decisions, we have to communicate with the province. I am not in a position to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on the matter.”

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