
Community marches against nyaope

SHARPEVILLE. – “Over 500 learners have absconded from school due to ‘nyaope’ that has infiltrated and killed members of our communities.

SHARPEVILLE. – “Over 500 learners have absconded from school due to ‘nyaope’ that has infiltrated and killed members of our communities. All because of selfish human beings who enrich themselves at the expense of others.” These were the words of Donald Tontsi from Philisa Anti Substance Abuse in Sharpeville on Monday during a drug campaign.

The campaign was peaceful but vocal in elaborating the pain and harm the community is going through to fight the epidemic of drug abuse within the townships. The march started at Sharpeville Hall and went to the police station where their plight was the subject of a memorandum.

The memorandum was handed to the MMC for Community Safety, Veli Mcera who acted on behalf of MEC for Community Safety Sizakele Nkosi-Malobane, who was long, but fruitlessly awaited. Before the hand-over to police, Bassy Ramagaga – who was chairing the meeting – gave a few affected community members a chance to voice their grievances on drugs.

One victim was Bokang Tsekedi, who lost her brother to nayope. “My brother was electrocuted. He suffered 3-degree burns and later lost his life. He was stealing a live electric cable that shortened his days,” said the traumatised Tsekedi.

Addict Bongi Makhethi cried out loud to the community about the substance that is a remorseless killing. “We need help! We are human and we want to live normal lives,” said Makhethi tearfully, speaking on behalf of other addicts who were present.

Response to the memorandum was required in two weeks. Mcera sent a clear message to corrupt police officers who are dealers. “Heads will roll,” he said.

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