
Sonlandpark – Attempted break-in prevented

Sonlandpark residents quickly apprehended a suspect who was trying to forcefully gain entry onto a property in Waterberg street, Sonlandpark.

Sonlandpark residents quickly apprehended a suspect who was trying to forcefully gain entry onto a property in Waterberg street, Sonlandpark.

Damage to the gate made in an attempt to gain entry
Damage to the gate made in an attempt to gain entry

The homeowners daughter and their housekeeper was home yesterday morning when they spotted  man, who in a ploy to find out if anyone was home, was making a lot of noise at the front gate. They decided not to go out as they were not expecting anyone, but proceeded to keep an eye on the man who then a small while later took some tools out of a backpack he was carrying and tried to break open the front gate to the residence.

It was then when the homeowner’s daughter decided to contact her father explaining what the suspect was doing. The homeowner soon arrived home, catching the man in the act. SONRA, SSG and the Vereeniging police speedily responded after they were contacted to assist the homeowner who had apprehended the suspect.

The suspect was handed over to the Vereeniging police, where numerous items identified as tools that are used in vehicle theft and to unlawfully gain entry into homes, were found on the suspect.

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