
Patrollers install cameras to keep kasi safer

If you thinking of commiting a crime in Movhango Extension 13, think again as the big brother watches every move.

BOPHELONG – It’s been four months of peace and quiet in Bophelong Extension 13, and the credit goes to the new high-tech cameras keeping a watchful eye.

In a bid to clamp down on crime, local patrollers led by the vigilant Tefo ‘General’ Mohanwe, have turned their community into a near-fortress.

With funds contributed monthly by community members, these unsung heroes have installed state-of-the-art surveillance cameras that monitor every nook and cranny of the neighborhood.

The patroller squad, which has been actively on duty for over two years also recently upped their game by adding walkie-talkies to their tools of trade.

This has made it easier for them to communicate and apprehend criminals with lightning speed.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster with a satisfied smile, said Mohanwe “Our rotating cameras see everything. Every vehicle, every person entering or leaving our community – nothing escapes our notice,” he said.

Mohanwe said the initiative to start the patrol group came from a simple yet powerful idea to take control of community safety.

“We were always called after crimes were committed. So, we organized a team, discussed the idea with the community, and despite some members dropping out, those who stayed have been dedicated to the cause,” he alluded.

or just R50 per household, the patrollers not only cover their operational costs but also invest in cutting-edge technology to enhance their efficiency.

“Thanks to the donations, we now have multiple cameras strategically placed around our community. These cameras are like the eyes of God, always watching, even when we take a break. Tsotsis should watch out. We are going to work tirelessly to ensure our families live in a safe community,” said the visibly content Mohanwe.

Dineo Makalakalane said “Many people are workers and more often than not, their homes are always left unwatched. Patrollers play a huge role in making sure that our homes and valuables are protected. Now with these cameras, we can rest assured that our community is more safer.”

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