
Patrolling initiative helps combat crime

The community feels they cannot wait on government to assist and various members are truly grateful to the committee for making sure that crime in their area is combatted.

MOVHANGO – As crime in the Vaal gives authorities and communities alike sleepless nights, community members of Movhango in Ext 13 saw a need to start their own security initiative. Patrollers will help to fight crime in this area as the crime rate recently increased.

The initiative was instigated in February last year by founder General Mohanoe due to an increase in thefts and break-ins especially at night time. Four cameras were installed to aid in the safety and security of the community. This was done with funds from local residents.

One of the cameras that were installed by them. Police confirmed that crime in the area has gone down.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster Mohanoe emphasised why he started the whole committee of men to safe guard their area: “The reason behind this committee of patrollers were to make sure that our area is safe and to reduce and fight the crime in our area. There is still a need for proper jackets, reflectors and extra cameras to cover the whole area. Our wish is to grow this and help other areas around Movhango as well.”

The community feels they cannot wait on government to assist and various members are truly grateful to the committee for making sure that crime in their area is combatted.

Community member Paballo Daniels says he is very grateful that this initiative of patrollers is here to make sure that their area is safe. “Before the patrollers crime in Ext 13 was very high, people wouldn’t even walk alone, but since this has started, they are safe,” he said.

Local police confirmed that crime in the area has gone down.

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