
Crime wave hits Boltonwold smallholdings

The Boltonwold smallholdings outside Meyerton suffered a wave of thefts on Sunday evening, March 17.

The Henley on Klip Community Policing Forum reports that at least two hatchbacks were stolen on Sunday night.

A vehicle was also tampered with on one of the properties, presumably in an attempt to steal it.

A local security company has the following advice:

*Make it difficult for thieves to enter your property.

*Get infrared beams (detection beams) and alarms. It will send out a warning if someone tampers with your gate motor.

*Cover your gate motor with a steel casing (theft resistant cage) and lock it to protect the gate motor.

*It is easy for thieves to push their hands through the fence and open the gate manually. Make it difficult for thieves to do so.

*With a steel cage (theft resistant cage), thieves cannot tamper with the gate motor.

*Have cameras and lights installed.

*Connect the gate motor to your home alarm.

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