
Gogo Nuku receives support and appreciation for her exceptional care of orphans

The collaborative efforts of Boipatong Police station and the EFF in honoring Gogo Nku serve as a heartwarming reminder of the power of community and compassion.

BOIPATONG – Boipatong Victim Friendly Room together with Indibano Victim Empowerment, Crime Prevention Wardens, and members of the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) joined forces to celebrate the incredible dedication and compassion of Gogo Nuku.

Nuku Mvundle is a Founder of Madick Children’s Home, who runs an orphanage out of her own home taking care of five orphaned children.

Gogo Nuku, a beloved figure in the Boipatong, has devoted her life to providing a safe and loving home for orphaned children who have nowhere else to turn.

The event, which took place on Saturday, September 16, was marked by cleaning efforts, food parcel donations, and a mini celebration to honor Gogo Nuku’s exceptional work.

Her selfless commitment to these vulnerable young lives has not gone unnoticed, and the EFF and local police wanted to express their gratitude for her tireless efforts.

Addressing the gathered crowd, VFF Coordinator Constable Ntuthu said “The purpose of this event is to show gratitude towards Mama for making our jobs easy by allowing us to take care of some of these children when we bring them to her. Her doors are always open for us, and for that, we want to honour her,” she said.

Ntuthu told the crowd that Gogo takes care of some of the children who come to their station due to gender-based cases and get housed at Madick Children’s Home.

EFF’s Isaac Khithita said “We want to thank Gogo Nuku for the sterling job she does. We saw it fit to come and show our support today because we exist in the community, we are not isolated. We want to show that we support all the good the community does.”

The visibly overjoyed gogo Nuku Mvundle shared her joy with Ster.

“I have been staying with different children for more than five years now. Many are brought here by social workers; some are brought by their mothers and others are found deserted. Now I live with five children. I am very happy for the gesture.”

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