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‘The ANC has forgotten about us’: Sharpeville Massacre survivor

“I am tired of empty promises, however, I will die with my ANC."

SHARPEVILLE. – “Although the party seems to have forgotten some of us, I will go to the grave with my blood still being black, green, and yellow.”

These words were uttered by Selloane Phethane (78) a local African National Congress (ANC) stalwart, and a Sharpeville Massacre survivor who is also the current Khulumani Support Group’s Chairperson.

Khulumani Support Group provides support for the victims and survivors of the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre.

Phethane recently called Sedibeng Ster to state her story, and that of her fellow survivors, where she said that the party has forgotten about them and that they are only remembered when the date of the massacre, March 21 nears and soon after that they are forgotten for another year.

With the national elections on their way next year, Phetane also mentioned that the party will soon also look to them to gather local support.

In March 2017, Phetane received an award from the then Gauteng MEC of Sports, Arts and Culture, Faith Mazibuko for her role in supporting her community and her struggle for the rights of women in South Africa. Along with the award Mazibuko, who was recently appointed ANC Gauteng Women’s League’s (ANCWL) Chairperson, apparently promised Phetane that her house would be refurbished.

To date, this has not been done.

“We played a critical role in the struggle for our people, particularly in this region. I personally lost family members. One of my brothers is still missing while another was banished to Lesotho, he has lived there since the struggle times. Yet now it seems that we have been forgotten, and being bombarded with promises that are never fulfilled,” Phethane said.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Sedibeng ANC Regional Secretary, Jason Mkhwane said that they understand Phethane’s concerns about feeling neglected by the party and that the ANC highly values the contributions and sacrifices made by individuals like her and the other victims of the Sharpeville Massacre.

Jason Mkhwane is ANC Sedibeng’s Spokesperson. Photo: Supplied

“We recognize the importance of acknowledging and supporting those who have suffered in their pursuit of freedom and justice. We assure you that we will reach out to Ms. Phetane to address her concerns.”

Mkhwane confirmed the alleged promise made by MEC Mazibuko to refurbish Phetane’s house.

“MEC Faith, along with the then MEC for Human Settlement, Uhuru Moiloa, initiated the process through architects. The first house that was repaired was that of the former leader of the 1960 March, Mrs. Nyakallo,” Mkhwane said, adding that when it came time to fix Phetane’s house, MEC Uhuru was no longer in office, and the process was halted as he was overseeing it.”

Gauteng ANCWL Chairperson, Faith Mazibuko. Photo: Zacharia Nale

“MEC Mazibuko, who was then the MEC for Sports, Arts, and Culture, did not have a budget for housing. We understand the frustration caused by the delay in fulfilling this commitment, and we want to assure Ms. Phetane that her concerns are being taken seriously.”

Meanwhile, Phetane said that her blood would remain black, green, and yellow even in her grave.

“I am tired of empty promises, however, I will die with my ANC. We fought for this freedom and no one is going to discourage me from following my beloved ANC. I will go to death with my ANC and not with a person,” Phetane said.

In conclusion, Mkhwane said that the ANC remains committed to addressing the needs and concerns of all its members and supporters, particularly those who have played a significant role in the party’s history.

He further added that the ANC recognizes the importance of ongoing support and assistance for individuals like Phetane and that they (the ANC) are actively working towards ensuring that their contributions are acknowledged and their needs are met.

*At the time of going to print Sedibeng Ster was also still awaiting a response on the matter from the office of TK Nciza, the ANC Gauteng Secretary.



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Lerato Serero

Lerato Serero is the Editor of Sedibeng Ster. With the experience of well over a decade. Lerato is passionate about writing stories about the community. Service delivery stories are his favourite. Email:

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