
Concerns about women taking pictures of children at nursery school

If the women concerned read this post and have a logical reason for their actions, they can contact Ster anonymously on 083 246 0523 to explain and reassure the school and parents that there is nothing to worry about.

VEREENIGING. – Staff and parents of a well-known nursery school in Vereeniging are very worried after two women in a white bakkie stopped in front of the nursery school last week and took pictures of the buildings and the children who were in the playground.

Staff members from the nursery school tried to approach the  two white women who were “taking lots of photos with a mobile phone” to find out what their intentions were, but they drove away quickly before the staff could get any answers.

“It doesn’t make sense. No one asked our permission to take pictures,” says the principal.

Although there might be an innocent reason for the women’s actions, the school would like to get in touch with the two ladies to get an explanation.

“The incident appeared very suspicious but we don’t want to place anyone under suspicion. However, we NEED to know what was going on. There are so many rumours of children being stolen and kidnapped these days that one cannot accept such actions. Taking pictures of our toddlers on the playground is absolutely not allowed,” says the principal.

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