
Sedibeng’s junior commissioner says drugs aren’t cool

“My job as a junior commissioner is one that advises the school not to see the police as only the boots, the gun, and the uniform. It is making sure that the SAPS is seen as a friend and a community member. It is also about educating young people about the vast career opportunities in the SAPS."

VEREENIGING. – Riverside High School pupil Noluthando Lushozi (16) is the Sedibeng Distrit’s SAPS Junior Commissioner.

Lushozi’s public speaking saw her competing for the title against other pupils from various schools in the district in 2022.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, the grade 11 pupil says the position has provided an opportunity and a platform for her to be able to speak to young people regarding matters such as substance abuse, bullying, and gangsterism in schools.

“My job as a Junior Commissioner is one that advises the school not to see the police as only the boots, the gun, and the uniform. It is making sure that the SAPS is seen as a friend and a community member. It is also about educating young people about the vast career opportunities in the SAPS.

“What many of us do not see is that we are the building point, we should strive to see ourselves as the change factor. The pivot point of our change comes in choice. It is up to you to make choices that will help you achieve your goals and dreams beyond the school environment. The drugs may be cool now but, in the future, they won’t be so cool.”

Lushozi says she loves conducting school talks as these are impactful and get her peers to think positively about their choices. She adds that teachers and parents also have an important role to play.

“Teachers play a very important role in supporting youngsters. At my school, there is an open-door policy and this makes it easy for us to speak up about things that bother us. Parents can also help by forming a stronger bond with their kids and becoming their friends to make it easy for them to open up.”

Speaking about her own future, Lushozi says she would like to see herself become a Lawyer and eventually get into politics. Lushozi says more school tours around the region are in the pipeline.

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