
Beke Le Beke, Maketekete remains winning

Winning an award at work is everyone’s dream, as it proves dedication, determination and love for what one does.

BOIPATONG – But for one police officer in Boipatong policing precinct, gathering dedication award each year has become a tradition.

Sergeant Mapaseka Maketekete from Social Crime Prevention has done it again, filling her trophy cabin with one prestigious award after the other.

This time, the multi-award winner cop has scored herself her sixth woman of the year award in the policing industry.

Since 2018, the 38-year-old has been winning women of the year awards both at district and provincial cluster.

Differently awarded, Maketekete made it to the national awards for the same category and came first runner up.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, the dedicated female cop explained her journey from her first award to the newly received.

“I joined SAPS in 2009 and ever since then, I have worked hard to making sure that I serve the communities.  From 2018, I received my first excellent awards. Since then, I have been getting women of the year award both district and province. I carried this title again in 2020, 2021and 2022,” she said.

“This year, I also received it nationally. I am so proud of myself, it proves that what I am doing I am still doing it good,” she added.

Maketekete said she will continue to serve with pride until she gets the first position nationally.

“I want to be an overall winner at national level and I will work tirelessly to get that first position,” she said.

Expressing her na-enjoyment, Maketekete said she was overjoyed.

“I am over the moon and I will continue to serve my people with pride. Working with people it’s not an easy task. Sometimes I feel like giving up due to insults and demotivating situations but I soldier on,” she said.

As a norm, Maketekete thanked her family, colleagues and friends for supporting her on her journey to serve.

“I would like to thank the support I am getting from my colleagues in the CPF and the youth desk. My family has been always there for me. I don’t spend much of my time at home, rather than at work and I would like to thank them. Even if I am on leave, I still jump to serve when I get the call,” she said.

Chairperson of CPF Maniki Ntsepe said “since 2018, there has been progress in Boipatong, especially coming from Maketekete. She deserve the award. We know her work inside the kasi as CPF. Our division was created and we found her already hands on,” he said.

“If we encouter problems at the station, we can easily wake her up and she will be there for assistance,. She helped a lot of families,” he added.

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