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World AIDS Day 2022 – All roads lead to Mangaung

This year’s World Aids Day (WAD) will be hosted in the Mangaung Metro on 1 December 2022.

SEDIBENG.-  The South African National AIDS Council Civil Society Forum (SANAC CSF) Sectors will be hosting a series of social mobilisation events in the build up to the day, led by the People Living with HIV Sector (PLHIV).

This 2-day event will start with the policy in action activities on 30 November 2022, a convening of community stakeholders affected and infected by HIV and AIDS to directly engage with relevant policy makers and, in particular, the ministers linked to these, on issues that
exacerbate and impact on their vulnerability to health and wellness. These are learning and accountability spaces that advocate for specific social, policy and programme reforms in service of a multi-sector community centered HIV and AIDS response.

“For this World AIDS Day the PLHIV sector, working together with the Civil Society Forum and Government, are joining hands to turn around the situation of the country’s HIV and AIDS response, and as such we are saying, the day should not be just about the first of December, but about ensuring that health care services meant for people living with HIV and key populations are improved to ensure that no one is left behind”, said Anele Yawa, CSF PLHIV Sector leader.

The Global Theme for World AIDS Day 2022 is “Equalise” and South Africa will announce its country theme during November 2022

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