
Cousins die a mysterious death

The Lerata family from Orange Farm remains in shock after two of their children, who were cousins, mysteriously died last week. Sebabatso (2) and Itumeleng (4) fell sick in the afternoon on Tuesday. The two were rushed to a nearby clinic where they passed away. The cause of the duo’s death is still unknown to the family.

ORANGE FARM. – Speaking to Sedibeng Ster at their family home in Extension 6, the family Spokesperson, Moipone Lerata, shared the harrowing details of the death.

“The kids woke up their normal self until midday when one of my sisters dished up food for them. They sat in the outside shack and ate while she was bathing. Just after eating, the 4-year-old complained of having a stomach ache,” she said.

“Itumeleng was sent to the bathroom, when she stood up from the floor, she fell as she was weak. Just when we were disturbed by that, she started vomiting. Two minutes later she started rolling her eyes and couldn’t talk,” she added.

Moipone said the other child at the time didn’t show any symptoms that Itumeleng was showing.

“My sister took Itumeleng to the clinic because she showed no signs of life. Unfortunately, when we got to the clinic, we were told that she was dead. When I was reporting to the family that Itumeleng had passed on, I was told Sebabatso was starting to show the same signs. Unfortunately, she also passed on,” said the emotionally shaken aunt to the cousins.

The grandmother to the deceased cousins said that the family is devastated.

“Not that it would have been better if we lost one but losing two children at the same time is very hard hitting,” she said.

Police Spokeswoman, Constable Busisiwe Sango said an inquest docket has been opened.

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