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History is going to judge us!

We need to revisit our heritage.

When I recently attended a Masters’ soccer tournament at  the Conti dusty soccer ground in Evaton, I found myself thinking back to when the Evaton community used to pack the community’s dusty soccer grounds to capacity just to watch their favourites teams on Sunday’s.

In fact, the community used to come to the ground as early as from 12:00 to watch D, C B and first team’s. They used to spend the whole day at the soccer grounds to support all the club divisions before the first team played. However, today it takes a tournament for the community to pack these dusty soccer grounds to capacity unlike in the past. Gone are those days when only two clubs would attract a capacity crowd on Sunday afternoons. TOUCHLINE was sitting and thinking back about those great memories especially seeing some of those who used to grace these dusty soccer grounds in our community.

That Conti ground, formerly knowns as Evaton Real Sweepers FC soccer ground had great memories with the venue hosting some great football matches. Not only that dusty soccer ground but also grounds such as those of Zone 3 Stone Breakers, Evaton Ocean Stars, Double Action, Junior Rovers, Evaton Black Pool, Evaton Real Madrid, Black Angels, Holly Birds and City Rumbles, Home Defenders and Parktown Rangers FC to mention but few.

TOUCHLINE can still remember like yesterday how the Evaton community would flock to the soccer ground to watch what we used to call ‘diski nine’. Today they call it ‘kasi football’ but in the past, it was known as ‘diski nine’. How things have changed and as much as clubs used to bet, it was not about money but to make the game more exciting. In the past gambling was decent unlike today when people will do everything in the book to win because of the stake on offer. It was never the case during our era, football was played for the love of the game and entertainment. TOUCHLINE had an interesting conversation with Ntate Ralesenke to reflect back, talking about the history of Evaton football, the great players this under privileged township has produced in the past. These above mentioned dusty soccer grounds and clubs were and still are the heritage of our football.

There is a need to revive those legendary clubs in our communities to bring back the good old memories. For example, during those days crime was less because every child in the community played football. There was no way we as children could have be involved in crime or do drugs because football was the only thing we knew.

It is a fact, history is going to judge us harshly for neglecting our heritage!


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