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Online registration debacle

“I registered my child online last year and was made to wait for an answer that I did not receive until I physically took my daughter to the school today where I was told that her name is not there."

VEREENIGING.- As the schools officially opened for the new year, a long queue of parents formed outside the Department of Educations’, Sedibeng East District offices in Vereeniging last Wednesday.

The line was that of dissatisfied parents who had frustratingly come to make queries about their children’s’ registration at different schools in the area. Amongst the problems that the parents, and their children, faced were that of the unavailability of space at the schools that they had applied at, the changes in the subjects that were chosen and the placement at schools many kilometers away from their homes. Many that faced such problem were first time learners, Grade R’s and Grade 8’s as they, for the first time were registering at new schools.

Speaking to Sedibeng Ster the parents said that the online registration process is a waist of time as it causes a lot of confusion.
“I registered my child online last year and was made to wait for an answer that I did not receive until I physically took my daughter to the school today where I was told that her name is not there. Where should I take her now, I want the officials here to tell me, “said a parent.
Some of the parents threatened violence if their children are not admitted at their schools of choice.
Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi announced last week that under 596 Grade 1 and 8 learners are currently in the process of being placed at schools in the province.

“We are aware that our District Offices are pressured with parents who seek assistance on Late applications, and those who are unhappy with schools they were offered. Our officials are working tirelessly to assist all parents. We also wish to appeal to the public not to threaten officials with violence, it is really unfair to them”, said Lesufi.

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