
ATM fraud awareness campaign held in Boipatong

BOIPATONG. – The police in Boipatong recently held an ATM awareness campaign. The campaign was held in conjunction with Indibano,community patrollers, youth desk and the newly elected  Ward 1 Councilor Ntjanyana Phala. Police spokesperson Sergeant Thembeka Maxambela says, “About 500 informative pamphlets about ATM crime, gender-based violence and house-breakings were issued to the clients at a …

BOIPATONG. – The police in Boipatong recently held an ATM awareness campaign.

The campaign was held in conjunction with Indibano,community patrollers, youth desk and the newly elected  Ward 1 Councilor Ntjanyana Phala.

Police spokesperson Sergeant Thembeka Maxambela says, “About 500 informative pamphlets about ATM crime, gender-based violence and house-breakings were issued to the clients at a petrol station in Sector 01.

“The awareness was in efforts to make the community and clients making use of the petrol station  aware of the increase in ATM crime.”

Maxambela urged residents to be vigilant especially during the festive season where criminals are looking to make a quick buck.  

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