
DA condemns vandalism of Schools in Gauteng

Democratic Alliance (DA) Gauteng Shadow MEC for Education Khume Ramulifho has called for an investigation by the SAPS national intelligence into the vandalism of over 50 schools in Gauteng. 

.”The Recent vandalism of schools has the  potential of harming the future of students, unfairly leaving them without much-needed resources for learning and teaching.

“It is terribly concerning that schools continue to be a target for criminals and that both the Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) and Community Safety have dismally failed to prevent such incidents of vandalism, theft, and burglaries, where the GDE continues to lose millions of rands repairing and replacing resources stolen and damaged during these incidents.”

Ramulifho said such money could be used to eradicate asbestos schools to protect the health of vulnerable children, and also fix deteriorating infrastructure across the province to ensure a conducive learning and teaching environment.

“The department’s school’s safety strategy is ineffective, and it is evident through the number of vandalism cases reported.”

The DA says it has tabled questions to the Gauteng MEC for Community Safety, Faith Mazibuko in the Gauteng Provincial Legislature to ascertain what measures are being put in place to safeguard schools and the number of cases, arrests and convictions that have been made so far.

“We are calling on the SAPS intelligence unit to urgently investigate the syndicates that are involved in vandalism, theft, and burglary of our schools so that the perpetrators can be apprehended and there is a stop to this criminal element.”

The DA proposes  installation of fences or walls surrounding schools, installation of CCTV cameras and alarm systems in hotspot schools.

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