
Kota fest to aid youth development

Youth Day saw young artists and entrepreneurs hailing from various areas in the Vaal Triangle come together for their own development.

The event dubbed Kota Fest created a platform for young people to promote their businesses on the day by selling their products and also gave an opportunity to artists to showcase their different talents.

Organisers Mosetsana Thothela (31) and Tumelo None (28) said that the idea behind the event was to try and create an economic hub where young people get the opportunity to earn an income using their talents.

“Whether you are an artist or an entrepreneur, this event is for you. It is young people in support of other young people for our own development.”

The event which takes place every two months was attended by many young people from in and around the Vaal.

Organisers said that this also helped to get young people away from negative things and inspires them to do positive things with their lives..

“When young people see others in the same age group doing progressive things, they also aspire to do the same.”  

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