
Youth march to Vitro in demand of jobs

On their arrival, marchers barricaded the entrance of the factory, halting any movement of vehicles and trucks.

SEBOKENG. – Scores of young people from various areas in the Vaal Triangle embarked on a march to Vitro Tiles Ceramic Industry in demand of jobs and skills development opportunities today.

About six structures representing the youth of Sebokeng, Boipatong, Tshepiso, Sharpeville, Movhango and Bophelong formed part of the march.

On their arrival, marchers barricaded the entrance of the factory, halting any movement of vehicles and trucks.

Monica Phakedi says, “The reason for our march is that we as young people are looking for employment opportunities. We are not benefiting from companies within our communities and we would like to see things change. ”

Phakedi said they planned to march to more companies based in the Vaal for the same reasons.

“Some of the young people have qualifications, but they are sitting at home with no hope. Others completed their matric and need to be developed in order to make a difference with their lives.”

Community leaders were called in to speak to the management. An update on the outcome of the meeting will be provided. Police are on the scene.  

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