
Touchline – #VaalMustRise!

TOUCHLINE always says – education first and the rest will follow.

It is a new beginning for all of us who are involved in the development of sports in this region. But first, TOUCHLINE wishes to take this opportunity to congratulate all soccer players who passed their matric exams.

 TOUCHLINE is over the moon that some of the soccer players achieved top marks and distinctions in their respective subjects.
Those who think or thought soccer players are “domkoppe” must think AGAIN! TOUCHLINE takes his hat off to those development coaches who encouraged these youngsters to take their studies seriously, seeing that football is a short-term career.
 As TOUCHLINE always says – education first and the rest will follow. This current crop of players must not make the same mistakes some former soccer players made – which is to neglect education.
This might sound like a New Year’s resolution, but it is not.
It is the responsibility of development coaches to ‘preach’ to these youngsters that without education they are bound to struggle when they retire from football. There will be no income, but if they are armed with education, they will then find a career in something they like.
For example, this columnist chose journalism as his career after failing to make it into professional football and today TOUCHLINE runs a successful football academy in Sedibeng.
This is a challenge to these up-and-coming youngsters, to invest their time and energy in education as much as in football. There must be a balance between football and studies.
The truth is that they can’t make the same mistakes as ex-professional players who turned their back on education. TOUCHLINE challenges all development coaches in this region to introduce LIFESKILLS to their respective teams.Look, football is not a matter of life and death. It should be remembered that there is still life after football.
Lastly, to all TOUCHLINE readers, welcome to the year 2016. TOUCHLINE wishes you all the best, especially sports administrators in this region. We must declare this year – #VaalMustRise…!!!

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