
Landlord burns tenant with acid over R200

30-year-old Salamina Hlumbane from Phomolong in Sharpeville is afraid for her life following a brutal attack by her landlord over a missing R200 note.

SHARPEVILLE.- Hlumbane explained that the landlord had accused her own uncle of having stolen her money.

“I told her that it was impossible her uncle had stolen her money because someone had deposited money for him the day before. She then reasoned that because I said her uncle had not stolen the money, it must have been me who stole her money. Another tenant tried to tell her that she might have misplaced the money when we were all contributing for beer, but she was adamant that I had stolen her R200.”

Hlumbane says the landlord then started swearing at her. “When she started swearing at me, I also swore at her to the point where our fight got physical. Other tenants and my siblings who were visiting stopped the fight.”

Hlumbane says that at this point, she went back into her room but later had to take her laundry off the washing rail.

“The landlord had gone into her house and poured a liquid acid inside a container. I heard her tell the others who were outside that she was going to pour the liquid on me. My siblings warned me not to go outside but I thought she was just making idle threats. When I walked to the washing rail, she walked towards me and threw the liquid acid on me. I turned that moment and that is how most of the acid landed on my back.”

The acid had devastating effects as some of the liquid went into Hlumbane’s ear and burned part of her face and neck. Hlumbane said that she was in shock after the incident. “I could feel the liquid burning my skin. It was very painful; in fact the pain drove me mad.” An ambulance was called for Hlumbane and she was hospitalised for three days.

Immediately after she was released from hospital, she went to the Sharpeville SAPS where she opened a case against her landlord. The suspect was later arrested. Hlumbane says she is emotionally traumatized because the acid has left her skin disfigured.

“My kids are sometimes scared of my appearance. I have gone back to my parents’ home for the time being. I wake them up in the middle of the night because it is so painful. I really need justice to be served.”

Police Spokesperson Constable Busisiwe Sango confirmed the case, saying that the suspect was arrested and charged with assault with the intent to cause Grievous Bodily Harm (GBH). “The suspect has made her first court appearance and investigations in the matter are ongoing.”


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