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‘Can’t be business as usual’

Tosunga Baninga Organisation has embarked on a ‘Can’t Be Business as usual’ Campaign.

EVATON.- With the number of gender-based violence (GBV) on the rise in the community, the Tosunga Baninga Organisation has embarked on a ‘Can’t Be Business as usual’ Campaign.
The Tosunga Baninga Organisation is a Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) that fights for the rights of women in the Vaal. Their campaign follows after a number of cases of gender-based violence (GBV) that either have been withdrawn from court or are left unattended.

Malebusetsa Chakane is one of the victims that has not seen justice following an assault by her boyfriend.

Sedibeng Ster was referred to, and recently visited two women who are victims of gender-based violence (GBV) but their cases apparently fell on deaf ears. Speaking to Sedibeng Ster, Suzan Masitha (35) and Malebusetsa Chakane (46) said they want the perpetrators behind the bars. The two women from Evaton shared their experience on how their partners abused and assaulted them without remorse.

To make it worse, Masitha said that she miscarried twice because her boyfriend had assaulted her while she was pregnant. The two alleged victims claim that they opened cases with the police, but the “system has failed them”.
Tosunga Baniga members recently protested outside the SAPS Vereeniging offices demanding answers.

“We want the cases to be heard in court and we want the cops who are failing the victims to be removed.
“We want justice! Police go against all they stand for when they make friends with perpetrators. It can’t be business as usual and we are calling them to be more responsive to victims of gender-based violence. Victims often experience secondary trauma at police station,” said Norma Mbele who is behind the initiative.
Mbele said the campaign will run until March .

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