
LifeLine Shelter for abused women and their young children

LifeLine is there 24/7 to assist not only the victim of abuse but also the abuser and the family. Call 016 428 1640 – 24/7.

The LifeLine Shelter has been operating in the Vaal since 1988 and has accommodated hundreds of women and their children during this time.

Physical – this can be seen and includes punching, pushing, kicking. Slapping etc.

Emotional – the most damning and not easy to see but includes manipulation, isolation from family and friends, threats and keeping the spouse from working.

Verbal – includes name calling, insulting both the spouse and the family of the spouse, criticising your actions and the way you look.

Sexual – forcing the spouse to have unwanted sexual interaction

Financial  – controlling the finances and controlling money which you could probably use to get out of the situation

It is NEVER O.K and unless help is accessed it will not stop – no matter how many promises of changed behaviour are made! Nobody deserves to be abused and everyone has the right to be safe!

  • Some common effects of domestic violence on children are:
  • Children feel they are responsible for the abuse given to the spouse
  • Suffer from constant anxiety and grief
  • Fear abandonment and physical harm
  • Isolation and absence from school
  • Stress
  • Eating disorders
  • Violent behaviour

Children who are exposed to violence at home exhibit symptoms similar to children who have been physically or sexually abused including the perpetuation of violence.

Children experiencing domestic violence are more likely to attempt suicide, use drugs and alcohol, run away from home or turn to prostitution or sexual assault crimes.

You owe it to yourself and your children to leave the abusive relationship. Rather have two separate homes where there is tranquillity and peace than “stay for the sake of the children”! The children are better off outside of the abusive environment. Think more about the children and less about yourself BUT get help for your relationship. Please stay friends – after all there was love at one point!

The Shelter is a temporary shelter and while there you can make important decisions about your future, together. LifeLine is there 24/7 to assist not only the victim of abuse but also the abuser and the family. Call 016 428 1640 all hours.

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