
TC Radio Communications wins R10 000 prize thanks to mutual care and nifty plans

Stonehaven-on-Vaal, in collaboration with Vaalweekblad and Ster, recently hosted a competition for Vaal Triangle businesses to establish the plans they had made to deal with the COVID-19 lockdown and how they came out stronger.

Excellent entries were received and today we can announce the winner! TC Radio Communications’ team walks away with a gift voucher to the value of R10 000 that can be used for a 2020 Year-end Party or a 2021 Start-up Party at Stonehaven!
Chantelle Burgher, a staff member of TC Radio Communications, won the prize for their team with this entry, which is published unedited:
The TC Radio Communications team had two days to plan and finalize everything before going into hard lockdown, which was chaos. We were all scared as we did not know what life was going to be like locked in at home. Michelle du Toit and Victor Bronkhorst are the best bosses any company could ask for: They put the staff first and made sure we were safe and could survive during the hard lockdown.
Each staff member was given a portable radio to communicate with every day just to check in and make sure everyone is okay and still surviving. It was like a system they use on the farms for community watch: Everyone checked in each day just to let each other know we’re all still okay. Michelle and Victor also supplied us with food and meats to make sure we didn’t have to leave the house unless it was an emergency.
This helped a lot as no one was prepared mentally and financially for what was about to happen. Michelle made sure we all got full pay to support and feed our families during the pandemic, which means she sacrificed her salary if there was short on the pay that month. This really helped a lot as some of our spouses were not receiving any income during the lockdown. Once going back to work, our employers made sure their staff were 100% safe in the workplace. They put their employees’ health and safety first and still do. They would rather deal with walk-in clients themselves rather than risk their staff catching the Coronavirus.
I believe every company entering this competition deserves to win as we have all taken a big financial knock due to the Coronavirus but it would be much appreciated if TC Radio Communications could win an opportunity like this so all the staff can celebrate not only a successful year despite the pandemic but also celebrate the fact that we are all still alive and healthy.
* Stonehaven and Vaalweekblad wish to thank all the companies that entered, especially the following finalists who also impressed us with their practical plans and mutual concern among colleagues: Hei-Jo Trans; Freight Liner Services, Maranatha Privaat Leer Sentrum; Vereeniging Trust (Pty) Ltd; Business Web Office Park; Pearson Institute of Higher Education and VUT Goldfields Library Team.

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